TOP > Conisch
◆ コーニッシュ(作曲家・ピアニスト)
アニメ「ひとひら」で作曲家デビュー後、登場人物の心情に寄り添う豊かな音楽表現や、抒情的でありながらアグレッシブ且つ他に類を見ないキャッチーなメロディーは評判となり、数多くの人気番組を担当し続けている。独自の感性と卓越した技術で昇華させる新奇性に富んだアーティスト性を持つ。TBS「ひるおび!」に書き下ろしたメインテーマ曲「play Heath Wind」は10年経っても色褪せることなく日本のお茶の間に広く浸透した隠れた名曲となっている。
2020年1月より担当している世界的大人気ゲーム「ポケットモンスター ソード・シールド」のアニメ『薄明の翼』(山下清悟監督, スタジオコロリド制作)の音楽は好評を博している。同月リリースのアルバム『音観 Episode1』は”アートと音楽"のプロジェクト第1弾として世界的に著名な彫刻家・武藤順九氏とコラボレーションしている。
Since making his debut as a composer with the popular Japanese anime “Hitohira”, Conisch has headed many popular programmes, building a reputation for his gifted that closely match the emotions of the characters, as well as his lyrical yet aggressive and uniquely catchy melodies. He has a rich, novel artistry that sublimates his own sensitivities with superior techniques. The main theme song “play Heath Wind” for the TBS program “HIRUOBI” is a hidden masterpiece that has continued to unfadingly permeate through Japanese culture even 10 years after it was first released.
His recent works include the music for the animation "Pokémon Twilight Wings (series of animation started from Jan 2020 inspired by the world-renowned Pokémon video games)" which is gaining excellent reputation. His album released at the beginning of 2020 "ONKAN Episode1" is a collection of musics inspired by art as a collaborative work with a well-known sculptor Junkyu Muto.
凭借动画片《初瓣》作为作曲家出道后,其贴近角色心理、变化丰富的音乐表现手法和独一无二、抒情却不失磅礴的流行旋律得到认可,持续为许多人气节目进行创作。其特有的感性和精湛的技艺令他的艺术特质得到升华,极富新奇性。为TBS电视台的《HIRUOB》栏目创作的主题曲《play Heath Wind》在历经十年后仍长盛不衰,成为一首日本路人皆知的经典曲目。
2020年1月より担当している世界的大人気ゲーム「ポケットモンスター ソード・シールド」のアニメ『薄明の翼』(山下清悟監督, スタジオコロリド制作)の音楽は好評を博している。同月リリースのアルバム『音観 Episode1』は”アートと音楽"のプロジェクト第1弾として世界的に著名な彫刻家・武藤順九氏とコラボレーションしている。
Since making his debut as a composer with the popular Japanese anime “Hitohira”, Conisch has headed many popular programmes, building a reputation for his gifted that closely match the emotions of the characters, as well as his lyrical yet aggressive and uniquely catchy melodies. He has a rich, novel artistry that sublimates his own sensitivities with superior techniques. The main theme song “play Heath Wind” for the TBS program “HIRUOBI” is a hidden masterpiece that has continued to unfadingly permeate through Japanese culture even 10 years after it was first released.
His recent works include the music for the animation "Pokémon Twilight Wings (series of animation started from Jan 2020 inspired by the world-renowned Pokémon video games)" which is gaining excellent reputation. His album released at the beginning of 2020 "ONKAN Episode1" is a collection of musics inspired by art as a collaborative work with a well-known sculptor Junkyu Muto.
凭借动画片《初瓣》作为作曲家出道后,其贴近角色心理、变化丰富的音乐表现手法和独一无二、抒情却不失磅礴的流行旋律得到认可,持续为许多人气节目进行创作。其特有的感性和精湛的技艺令他的艺术特质得到升华,极富新奇性。为TBS电视台的《HIRUOB》栏目创作的主题曲《play Heath Wind》在历经十年后仍长盛不衰,成为一首日本路人皆知的经典曲目。